Monday, May 1, 2017

Old Fort Harrod in Harrodsburg Kentucky

A few weeks ago, while my older sister was in town, we took a little jaunt down to Harrodsburg KY to visit Old Fort Harrod. The love of history runs deep in our family, and when we get together we usually find some historical explorations to do.
We went on a Monday, so unfortunately we could not take a tour of the recreated fort or the museum (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays) but we took a lovely tour of the grounds.
This isn't a large state park, but an important one for Kentucky. In June 1774, James Harrod and his band of 37 men built cabins in this area, becoming the first permanent settlement in KY. This new fledgling community went a long way to secure safety for the pioneers, and Harrodstown was founded. Overtime the fort grew, more people arrived and Harrodstown became Harrodsburg.

I am a self proclaimed taphophile, an individual who takes an appreciation for cemeteries, graveyards and tombstones. Old Fort Harrod has the first Kentuckian pioneer cemetery outside of the fort's walls. Many of the tombstones are nothing more than large stones marking the graves.  

"New" burial markers for some of the original settlers placed in the 1930's by the Jane McAfee Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.

Placard honoring American Revolutionary War soldiers in Mercer County, KY. 

The park also has a large statue honoring the pioneering spirit of the state's founders.

As well as the little log cabin the Abraham Lincoln's parents were married at. The log cabin is protected by this brick building, which at first I thought it was a church. But no, this brick building houses the log cabin inside. We could just make it our through the glass windows.

One of my favorite things at Old Fort Harrod is this amazing Osage Orange Tree. This tree is fantastic, my photos don't really do it justice. Running my hands over the rough bark, I thought about all the people who sat under its boughs for shelter and joy. 

A great state park, really small but I could have spent several hours just roaming the cemetery and fort (if it had been open). I look forward to returning and see what other historical gems this place has.

Until next time,

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