Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Book Review No. 53 - Arthurian Magic by Virginia Chandler, John Matthews, Caitlin Matthews and Gareth Knight

Welcome 2018! The ending of a year and the beginning of a new always has a special quality about it, like things get refreshed.

I finished this magical book "Arthurian Magic" by Virginia Chandler, John Matthews, Caitlin Matthews and Gareth Knight. Now, I know little about King Arthur other than the basic mythology, but this book goes way deeper into ancient magics and mythos of the fabled king and Merlin.

This book really is fascinating, and goes much deeper than I first expected. John and Caitlin Matthews are experts in the field, they've written several books about the subject and even a tarot deck. 

Working through the mythology, the authors go into extensive meditation and visualization work. This could be used as a sort of course in the material, something you can work your way through at your own pace. There are a number of these, to go deeper into your own path. If you are into druidry or have an affinity for the Celtic magics, I recommend this book. If you are wanting to learn more about the Arthurian legends, and the archetypes of Arthur and Merlin, this is the book. I recommend starting here, as it is so well written and gives such a comprehensive background.
Though this usually isn't an area I read about, I would add this to my bookshelf. Its not only good for referencing, but the meditations are beautifully done. 

Until next time,

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