Monday, October 23, 2017

Book Review No. 48 - Ghosts of the Civil War by Rich Newman

With Halloween so close, I've been enjoying some spooky shows and creepy reads. I had the luck of going on a haunted train ride over the weekend. That was a lot of fun. I also got to visit My Old Kentucky Home State Park where the tour consisted of Victorian Funerary rituals and rites. That was extremely fascinating, plus I feel like everyone that lives in KY should visit their state song's namesake at least once.
 In the spirit of the season, I read Rich Newman's "Ghosts of the Civil War". Newman does a great job of exploring the grounds of haunted battlefields and houses of some of the civil war's greatest battles.

The book starts off with Newman going over the top deadliest civil war battles like Gettysburg and Shiloh, and then moving state by state pointing out places of interest and potential ghost sighting spots. There is also a lot of history in this book, which I adore since the Civil War is one of my favorite topics to learn about in American history. I've been to a number of Civil War battlefields, and I wish I had this book with me. 

Although this book is a great read on its own, as Newman does a fantastic job of going over the battle or skirmish,it also would be great as a field guide if you like hunting for ghosts and exploring civil war battlefields. I recommend this book to anyone with any slight interest in the Civil War and the paranormal. Even if you aren't a believer, I think you will still enjoy the history and the "legends" that surround some iconic places across the US.

As a special wish, I hope as the veil thins, I hope you get some to celebrate the season as you see fit and maybe get into contact with your ancestors or ghosts.

Until next time,

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