Thursday, April 20, 2017

Book Review No. 34 - Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras by Cyndi Dale

Salutations! I know it has been awhile, its been rough sailing here but I'm muddling through as best I can.

With all this uncomfortable downtime, I've been able to get some reading done. So there is that! I finished Cyndi Dale's " Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras" in about a week. But really, this book is going to be a fantastic reference tool I can see myself referring to over and over again. I've read several books (and many online articles) on chakras and this is by far the best writing I've read on the subject.

Dale has an intimate knowledge of the chakra system, and that really comes through with her work. This is a well thought-out and planned book. She goes through the basics: what is a chakra, history of the chakra systems and brief explanation of what they do in our bodies. The next section of the book really in-depth and practical ways to use chakras. This portion of the book is filled with useful exercises of engaging your chakras. I've only done a few of the exercises, but I've found them extremely engaging.
I really don't have anything negative to say about this book.  If you want a really solid beginners book to chakras, I recommend. Even if you aren't a beginner, I think this book has some really fantastic exercises and information that anyone with an interest in chakra development would find incredibly useful.

Until next time, 

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